Diplo Sued for Alleged Revenge Porn Distribution

Jane Doe’s attorneys believe the lawsuit is a big move for justice and protecting exploited people.

One lawyer, Helene M. Weiss, said their client wants justice and hopes this case will stop the defendant from hurting more women. She believes survivors of image-based abuse should not be silenced.

Diplo’s lawyer, Bryan J. Freedman, told Vanity Fair that Wes has been unfairly targeted by dishonest people looking for money. He thinks this lawsuit is just like the others and expects it to end the same way.

A woman named Shelly Auguste reported Diplo to the Los Angeles police last year for sharing her nude photos without permission. But according to Vanity Fair, the city attorney decided not to prosecute.

Shelly has been in a legal fight with Diplo since 2020, accusing him twice of sharing revenge porn. No criminal charges were filed against him for these allegations.

Shelly is also suing Diplo for sexual battery, defamation, and other reasons. She started her lawsuit in 2021, but Diplo denied everything. A civil trial is set for January 2025.

I think it’s really important to stand up against such serious accusations.

Dipo responded by suing Shelly too—for stalking, trespassing, and sharing private stuff about him. His lawsuit claims she is “dangerously unstable” and kept contacting him even after they broke up using fake social media profiles.

Last year Diplo’s lawyer said Shelly has been trying to ruin Wes’s reputation for over three years now with false claims.

If someone sexually harasses you at work or school or anywhere else, you can report it to local authorities or visit https://www.rainn.org/ThatsHarassment for help.

Noah Mitchell
Noah Mitchell
Noah Mitchell is a senior music writer at SongsDetails.com. Noah has been passionately covering the music industry for over five years, with a particular focus on live performances and the latest updates on artists.