Meaning of Touchable

by Remble · 2024

Touchable by Remble album cover

The song “Touchable” by Remble describes violent retribution and the consequences of criminal actions, showcasing a narrative of revenge, intimidation, and the harsh realities of street life.

This song has been Shazamed over 366,135 times. As of this writing, Touchable is ranked 166

Touchable’ by Remble is a gripping song that delves into themes of violence, power, and the stark realities of street life. Let’s take a closer look at what makes this song resonate with so many. ⬇️

🔫 The atmosphere of ‘Touchable’ is intense and dark, painting a vivid picture of gritty urban survival. The narrative thrusts us into a world where life-and-death decisions are made in an instant.

💥 At the heart of the song lies its chorus: “Will he perform when he has money right in front of him?” These words echo repeatedly, questioning loyalty and courage under pressure. We sense an underlying tension—an exploration into whether one’s true nature reveals itself when faced with dire circumstances.

🧩 Diving deeper into the verses, we find lines like “I just tapped his shoulder so I know that he is touchable” and “Put 30 in my chop, and then I turned him to a huxtable.” The lyrics are raw, unfiltered depictions of violent retribution and dominance. They pull no punches in illustrating how far one will go to assert control or exact revenge.

🌪️ Each verse adds layers to this harrowing tale—”Came a long way from pre-K and eating lunchables” juxtaposes innocence lost with present brutality. The imagery is both jarring and evocative; it forces us to confront uncomfortable truths about cycles of violence perpetuated by circumstance and choice alike.

Ultimately, ‘Touchable’ encapsulates the chilling reality that power dynamics can lead individuals down paths where morality becomes blurred—a haunting reminder that within certain environments, survival often comes at an unimaginable cost

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Writer(s) of Touchable: Nathaniel Band, Eunique Remble, Jaasu Amir Mallory

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